The need for web site maintenance
All web sites need to be maintained in order to keep them up to date. Some sites require daily updates while others just need occasional maintenance. Web site maintenance includes revisiting, editing, or otherwise changing the existing pages to keep your web site up to date. The periodic addition of new web pages is also part of maintenance services. Also, the rules by which search engines like Google list sites, change constantly and without updating and taking account of these new rules, a web site can easily become lost in the search engine listings.
Why should we maintain your web site?
Your time will be freed up to run your business instead of spending hours learning how to maintain your site. You will have quick response time for updates and changes to keep your site fresh, and we will monitor your site on a daily basis to assure that it is functioning properly. We will check daily for search engine positioning and optimize as needed for better placement and we will maintain a current backup of your complete web site.